Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Big girl in the City...

My daughter started Kindergarten last week. This was a momentous occasion that was harder on her parents than on her. I actually was maintaining my calm until I met up with my husband in the hallway after dropping our daughter off. I rounded the corner and found all 6 foot 3 inches of my Manly-Man crying. His eyes were red, tears were flowing and he was sniffling. It very well could have been the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

After that day I've at least managed to not cry while dropping her off. Not even on day two when she begged me to drop her off a couple of blocks away from the school because she was a, "big girl now!" I won't even go into my chanting, "You are only five! You are only five!" while I walked/dragged her to her classroom. Then came the big Milk Money Dabacle of 2009...

It started out innocently enough. My daughter wanted to buy milk in the cafeteria. It costs 50 cents so I thought it was a good compromise because I wouldn't let her buy lunch. I didn't have any change so I gave her a $5 bill and instructed her to bring back the change. This is where things got sticky. She came home that day and said that the "girl" wouldn't give her her change. I asked her over and over and in multiple ways and this was the story she was sticking to. Being that this wasn't my first rodeo as a mother I had a feeling this wasn't exactly the straight poop. So to speak.

My husband, on the other hand, heard her story and was ready to rip the "girl's" throat open for taking advantage of his little girl. He ranted about some snotty teenager stealing his child's money. My husband is from Germany and I don't know what kind of lunch ladies he had growing up but my vision wasn't of a girl at all. I pictured some overweight lady with a giant mole (with or without hair growing out of it) and some sort of unattractive hair net. I just couldn't picture this woman stealing my daughter's milk money. It was all just a little too cliche. After calming down my husband and promising him that I would get to the bottom of it all I e-mailed my daughter's teacher. Luckily, just as I suspected, the change was put onto her lunch card account and she can buy milk as much as she likes. Or until her $4.50 runs out.

If my husband was this upset about her milk money, what is he going to do when our daughter is bullied by some mean girl? Will he track her down and hang her upside down on the monkey bars? Then leave her there as an example to all other bullies what could happen if they messed with our little one? Maybe I should stop allowing my daughter to buy milk and start saving my change for bail money.

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